It is an anniversary party for everyone, both adults and children. People celebrate it at fairs and parks, on beaches, in the streets and in the patios of their houses. It is the 4th of July, Independence Day, the anniversary of the United States of America.
The patriotism of the Americans is unquestionable. From 1776 to the present, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of the independence of this country, and from 1941 it is considered a Federal Holiday.

The entire country comes to a standstill to celebrate this great day; barbecues, fireworks, parades, shows and thousands of flags are the main protagonists.
Speaking a bit of history we will mention that the War of Independence was the conflict that the Thirteen Original British Colonies of North America faced against the United Kingdom of Great Britain. These events occurred between the years of 1775 and 1783. It ended with the defeat of Britain at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
Since the country is very large and full of different cultures, this celebration can be varied, but there are essential points in which they converge in this celebration. Parades or cavalcades, shows, and concerts around the entire country. From the smallest city to the parade in Washington, D.C., every corner is filled with shows, festivals, exhibitions, music, movies, food and art.
On Independence Day there are a host of concerts, from Jazz to Country music and from Classical to Rock and Roll, the music reflects the diversity of America’s cultural traditions.
This great party is not limited to one day; it extends to the whole week around the commemorative date, taking advantage of the summer people go out to the streets to celebrate.

The great protagonists are the parades, the fireworks show and the flag of the United States.
Every city has its parade; fireworks light up the skies across the country and fill it with spectacular explosions at the end of the day, highlighting the following cities in this show: Washington, D.C. – the largest in the entire nation, accompanied by concerts with the Philharmonic and closing with its fireworks show. St. Louis Missouri – where its firework lights reflect off the Mississippi River. New York – show provided by Macy’s, lights up the East River and the also expected Coney Island. Philadelphia – starting from Eakins Oval to Logan Circle. And in Nashville, at Music City.
Flags fly atop celebrations at picnics and cookouts, reminding everyone of America’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In the song, the flag represents American hope and perseverance against all odds. The cities are dressed in the colors of this; red, white and blue, and people like to make outfits alluding to this and wear them.
Baseball and Independence Day make a great combination, as do hot dogs and buns. The game spread in popularity from New York to the rest of the country after the Civil War, helping to reconcile the nation.